
20 Apr 2024

Limerick company partners with Lahinch-based HR firm

Limerick company partners with Lahinch-based HR firm

Redfaire chief executive Brian McInerney pictured with his counterpart at HRLocker Adam Coleman

COMPUTER services and software company Redfaire, based at Arthur’s Quay, has teamed up with Lahinch firm HRLocker to provide an all-in-one system.

Redfaire, which arrived in Limerick from France in 2016, has experienced significant growth since then, and it’s led the firm to deciding to put in place a new human resources solution.

Redfaire chose HRLocker to deliver this because of what it saw as its “user-friendly” and “flexible cloud-based” system.

HRLocker provides Redfaire with a full suite of services across database management, time management, performance management, plus recruitment and onboarding functions.

This software will support Redfaire’s employees both in Limerick, and in the ten countries around the world - from Argentina to South Africa - where team members are based.

Commenting on the new deal, Redfaire chief executive Brian McInerney said: “As a professional services firm, hiring and retaining the best people is essential. HRLocker’s software simplifies and automates HR processes which means our team-members have more time to focus on what they do best, helping clients to optimise their investment in Oracle ERP.”

Mr Coleman added: “As a forward-thinking, people-centric organisation Redfaire needed a comprehensive HR solution, that could scale with them, across jurisdictions, bringing a single source of truth to their HR team and empowering their employees to better manage their careers. We’re thrilled that they’ve found that in HRLocker and we look forward to our growing business relationship.”

Jerry Moloney, Enterprise Ireland’s regional director for the Mid-West said: “This collaboration between two ambitious, scaling companies is very positive news. Redfaire and HRLocker are making a great contribution to the Mid-West region and this latest development bodes well for the future of both companies. Enterprise Ireland looks forward to continuing to work with Brian and Adam and both their teams as they implement their ambitious business strategies.”

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