
29 Apr 2024

Free business roadshow makes its way to Clare

Free business roadshow makes its way to Clare

Courtesy of

A FREE business roadshow event is coming to Clare this May for its spring/summer series. 

The Irish Small Medium Enterprise Association (ISME) will be visiting Treacys Oakwood Hotel in Shannon on Thursday, May 25 from 9am - 11am. 

The event is free to attend and open to all local businesses. The nationwide tour will provide business insights and discussions, networking workshops and a local business feature. 

Each session will finish with a Pitch my Business segment, allowing business representatives to give a 2-minute pitch and network with fellow businesspeople. The duration will be approximately two hours, including Q&A sessions.

Commenting on the series, ISME Chief Executive, Neil McDonnell said: “It’s great for us to be back on the road - the budgetary and legislative changes looming for Irish business owners mean it has never been more important to stay up to date. 

“We look forward to meeting members and non-members throughout the series.”

Refreshments are provided at all events and ISME invites those who register to send questions or comments and they will be used at each event.

Jenny Martin, Chief Marketing Officer of HRLocker, which is based in Lahinch, said: “The ISME Roadshow is an excellent opportunity for local businesses to hear from their peers and gain insights. Despite many economic challenges, HRLocker has continued to expand, and we’re excited to share our experiences.”

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