Case study


"Simple, easy and effective way of managing HR / staffing."

FamiliBase, who are they and what are their specialities?

FamiliBase is a community based, not for profit organisation with charitable status that works with children, young people and families supported by a range of funders.  It is a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) and a Type C organisation under the Charity Regulator’s Governance Code.
Youth Work
social care
Social Care Practice
Community Development
FamiliBase Case Study

Simple and User-Friendly HR Software

The Advantages

FamiliBase enjoys how simple and straightforward the HRLocker HR solution is. The initial set-up was very easy and their staff quickly understood it. An effective HR solution that helps manage their employees.

“I find HRLocker very user-friendly and set up in a very intuitive way to users.”

Frequently Asked Questions about HRLocker

What does the Annual Leave Summary Report shows?

If you run the Annual Leave Summary Report, this will show you the following data for your employees:

  • Annual leave
  • Accrued
  • Carried Over
  • Manual Adjustment
  • Leave Taken
  • Booked Ahead
  • Balance V Accrued
  • Balance V Full Leave Year
  • Sick Days
  • Certified
  • Uncertified
Why would someone use timesheet software?

An all-in-one HR software solution like HRLocker provides simple automated solutions for your timesheet processes. As well as gaining insights into team performance, tools that automate manual tasks like calculating and allocating time off in lieu (TOIL) let you focus on more exciting HR responsibilities, like employee engagement and improving productivity.

What’s the best way to calculate and manage time off in lieu (TOIL)?

The best way to calculate and manage TOIL is with a specialised HR tool. For example, HRLocker automatically calculates and allocates employees’ TOIL so you don’t have to manually sort through logged hours and leave calendars.

Does HRLocker creates a Payroll Report?

HRLocker has a report which can be downloaded from HRLocker and uploaded into Payrola Payroll systems.

In order to access this report, you need to have payroll reporting enabled. Please contact HRLocker support or your account manager to enable this.