
HRLocker wins Best HR Software Company 2021

We’re delighted to announce that HRLocker has been awarded the ‘All-Star HR Software Company of the Year 2021’ Award!


Our team has been very busy over the last 8 weeks working with the All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF) to achieve our Business All-Star Accreditation Certificate. We are very proud to have accomplished this outstanding achievement as it recognises the continued hard work and dedication of our team in providing best-in-class service to our customers.

In achieving this accreditation, we join a unique group of businesses and we believe this continues to demonstrate our commitment to improving our service to our customers and suppliers.


Crystel Rynne receiving the award with Dr Briga Hynes and Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin


Business All-Star accredited companies are defined as “progressive, indigenous Irish businesses which meet the highest standards of verified performance, trust, and customer-centricity”. It is an honour to be included for the third time on this list.

HRLocker is a cloud-based HR Software which enables organisations to automate their people management and recruitment processes, streamlining HR requirements all in one GDPR-friendly place.

AIBF Award – All-Star HR Software Company Of The Year 2021


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HRLocker wins Best HR Software Company 2021 was last modified: January 20th, 2023 by Nikki O Hagan

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